
Account Research Tools

5 Questions with Robert McIntyre
Robert McIntyre is the VP of Enterprise Sales at Glia and an Advisor and Coach at EvaBot. We sat down with him to chat about his journey as a Sales Leader, the future of prospecting and the role of automation in the sales process.
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Email Prospecting - What Works and What Doesn't
A well thought email strategy is the difference between “Ignored / Open and Ignored” vs “Open and Reply”.
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Outbound 2.0 - Using AI to Win More Conversations
In this webinar, our guest speakers guide you through techniques and tools designed to improve your outreach and win more conversations with the help of AI.
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AI + Sales Teams: Remove Grunt Work, Book 2X Meetings
Are you constantly exploring AI sales tools but still struggling to boost your meeting bookings and conversion rates? You’re not alone. Research shows that integrating AI into sales processes can double the number of meetings booked and significantly enhance conversion rates. But how can you effectively leverage AI to achieve these results? In our recent webinar, AI + Sales Teams: Tips to Book 2X Meetings, industry leaders shared actionable strategies to transform your sales process using AI.
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Using Insights and Intent Signals in Outbound Sales
This newsletter delves into leveraging insights or pre-intent signals and intent signals to enhance your outreach, increase engagement, and boost conversion rates.
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Account Planning using AI in 30 minutes
Transform your account planning process with AI. Automate data gathering, generate real-time insights, and customize strategies effortlessly.
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Smarter Insights, brilliantly efficient
With Evabot AI

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Proactive Sales Triggers
Instant Rapport Builders
Natural Impact Messaging
Omnichannel Outreach Hub