Say bye to ‘one size fits all’ & months of planning forever.

Say Hi! to Automation & Measurable ROI.

Eva does not just take care of your gifting programs. We understand you want to use gifting strategically to solve larger problems. And Eva is built to help deliver those results to you.

Get Powerful & Actionable Insights

With every gift you send out, Eva gets you valuable personal insights about your customers, prospects and employees. Right from whether they are a coffee connoisseur to what they love to do over the weekend. And even their birthdays and t-shirt size! All this goes straight to your CRM/HRMS.

Drive Actions you care about

Eva helps you leverage the gifting interaction to get stuff done. No need to wait till the gift is delivered to follow up for the ask/action. Get it done even before the gift is shipped! No, we are not kidding :)

Get Gift Analytics & ROI

No need to drive your gifting program on guts and guesses. And no more relying on anecdotes to understand the ROI on your gifting spends. With the industry’s first Gifting Analytics and ROI reporting that goes beyond just tracking opens and delivers.

Why do top professionals and companies trust Eva?

Find out for yourself.